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There are two different types of scopes that are used during the authorization flow to receive an Access Token. One set of scopes are related to different areas of access of the TradeStation API. The other relevant scopes are related to obtaining Refresh Tokens and ID Tokens.

TradeStation API Scopes:

TradeStation API Keys are configured by default with MarketData, ReadAccount, Trade, and OptionSpreads. You can contact Client Services to inquire about adding additional TradeStation API scopes to your API Key.

ScopesDefault/Available by RequestValue
MarketDataDefaultRequests access to lookup or stream Market Data.
ReadAccountDefaultRequests access to view Brokerage Accounts belonging to the current user.
TradeDefaultRequests access to execute orders on behalf of the current user's account(s).
OptionSpreadsDefaultRequest access to execute options related endpoints.
MatrixDefaultRequest access to execute market depth related endpoints.

Other Relevant Scopes:

These other scopes are related to the use of Refresh Tokens and ID Tokens.

openidrequiredReturns the sub claim, which uniquely identifies the user. In an ID Token, iss, aud, exp, iat, and at_hash claims will also be present.
offline_accessrequiredAllows for use of Refresh Tokens.
profileoptionalReturns claims in the ID Token that represent basic profile information, including name, family_name, given_name, middle_name, nickname, picture, and updated_at.
emailoptionalReturns the email claim in the ID Token, which contains the user's email address, and email_verified, which is a boolean indicating whether the email address was verified by the user.